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Anchor 1
Professional ​

Natalie's emphasis is Broadcast Journalism and she just finished interning at KOTA TV and Black Hills Fox News in Rapid City, SD. During her time at SDSU, she hosted, wrote, and produced her own segments as well as projects. Natalie's passion is people, and if she can share their stories then she knows she is creating a positive impact for her audience. 

Natalie has a passion for traveling and experiencing new cultures. She studied abroad in Ghana and Amsterdam with the South Dakota State University's Biology and Microbiology Department for a health and culture trip in the summer of 2017. In Ghana, she and her classmates got to shadow physicians in the hospital on the campus of KNUST in Kumasi while experiencing Africa's culture on their free time. On their way back to the United States, they stopped in the Netherlands to tour a hospital, take a bike tour around the city and visit the Anne Frank House. 

During the summer of 2018, Natalie went on another trip abroad to Haiti with some SDSU classmates for a school build project. In Haiti, she realized how much of a passion she had for people and different cultures. She knew that she did from her previous experience to Ghana and the Netherlands, but this trip solidified her passion and she knew she needed to make a change. After her summer experience in Haiti, she immediately changed her major to what she had always dreamed about - Journalism. 

Natalie has always loved being in front of the camera, singing, and talking to people. From a young age she was involved in dance, plays and would often sing the National Anthem at local events. Natalie rarely missed the opportunity to share her God-given talents in her small town community. She often watched the news as a young child with her parents and often dreamed of being in the same seat as the Journalists she watched on TV. Now with her Bachelor's degree, she is ready to start living her dream as a working Broadcast Journalist.




Photoshop CC

Premiere Pro


Lightroom CC

Social Media Strategies




Basic Medical Language

Sanford Health Nursing Assistant 

​2015 - 2018


From working as a nursing assistant at Sanford Canby Medical Center's, Natalie is familiar with a hospital working environment. She understands the basic nursing assistant routine and skills and is able to accurately communicate with health professionals. During this job, Natalie got the opportunity to meet people of all ages and hear their life stories while learning hands-on about Human Biology. 



Starbucks Barista

​2017 - 2018


Throughout her college career, Natalie worked part-time at the local Starbucks. Besides people, Natalie loves coffee. She loves making someones day by making their favorite cup of Joe for them. Natalie's personal favorite is a soy latte with vanilla flavoring.​



Production Assistant

​2018 - present


After changing her major to Journalism, Natalie quickly starting working as a Production Assistant at Yeager Media Center located on the campus of South Dakota State University. As a Production Assistant, Natalie got to floor direct, run camera, telepromoter, audio, CG, and much more. Natalie considers herself the ultimate team-player and likes to help out at whatever position is necessary. Natalie was fortunate to work every Thursday night during her senior year for a local TV show called "On Call With The Prairie Doc." Before she started working as a Production Assistant for the show, the had the opportunity to be a Prairie Doc Assistant where each week the invited show guests would speak to the pre-professional students about the topic of the week. 

South Dakota State University

​2016 - present


Bachelor of Science in Journalism:


After two years at SDSU, she realized from her experiences abroad and time at school that her true passion was Journalism. She realized that it was the people and their stories that she was interested in and eagerly wanted to share them.​ Natalie says Journalism allows her to connect with people and share their stories, which is what she's always loved to do. Natalie's emphasis is broadcast journalism. Her official graduation date was Summer 2019, gradating an entire year early.


Minor in Biology:


Natalie was a Human Biology major at SDSU for her first two years, which led her to obtain a minor in Biology. She passionate about the field and concept of Biology and feels confident in her knowledge about it. She is familiar and experienced with basic medical language, writing, and communicating with health professionals.​

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